Wiring Loom Harness

Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295

Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295
Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295
Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295

Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295    Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295
Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295. If for some reason you are not happy please let us know and we will do our best to resolve the problem! The consumer has to return the goods at their own expense. Whenever possible, we provide the part number. We test parts when possible and store them under the roof.

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Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295    Vauxhall Antara 2.2 CDTi 163HP A22DM engine harness / wiring loom 95273295